Asbestos exposure a reason for concern for Ohio women

When many women think about cancer, their first thought is generally breast cancer. While breast cancer is certainly a valid concern and the cause of death for numerous women every year, lung cancer is in fact responsible for killing more Americans than any other cancer. Lung cancer causes are most often attributed to smoking or second-hand smoke, but Ohio patients found to have lung cancer should consider other causes, such as asbestos exposure.

Unlike breast cancer, there is no routine screening given by doctors for lung cancer, unless the patient is known to be an avid smoker. Patients, who know they have been exposed to asbestos while on-the-job, may have to push for further testing. Otherwise, lung cancer is generally missed and not diagnosed until it is already in its late stages.

Unfortunately, the prognosis for those diagnosed with lung cancer isn’t very bright. Approximately 20 percent of all cases are deemed operable. According to the American Lung Association, only 50 percent of women who present with the disease are still alive one year after receiving their diagnosis.

Lung cancer can be physically, emotionally and financially draining on patients and their families. While there are several underlying causes of lung cancer, asbestos exposure shouldn’t be discarded immediately. Sadly, several cases of lung cancer may result from prolonged exposure to asbestos while on-the-job. If asbestos is found to have been the cause of the disease, legal action may be pursued in an Ohio civil court, in an effort to receive compensation for the damages done and losses suffered as a result.

Source:, “Lung Cancer Not on Many Women’s Radar”, , May 22, 2014

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